Friday, July 4, 2014

Cosmic Science: Essence of All Religions

What is Cosmic Science, and can everyone practice it easily? In answer to these frequently asked questions Gurudev always says that it is the essence of all religious scriptures which he is merely sharing with everyone. The Beejmantras (Cosmic Sound Secrets) are in resonance with all the scriptures such as Gita, Shree Gurgranth Sahib, Bible, and holy Qoran. This dimension is the essence of all religions and anyone can do
it, no matter what faith he belongs to. Gurudev says that if one has faith in Hinduism, he would be given the Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gita. People of Muslim faith will be given these secrets from holy Qoran. Similarly, people of Sikh or Christian faith will be given the secrets from Shree Guru Granth Sahib and the Bible respectively. Cosmic Sound Secrets: A Dimension of Grace Beyond Tough Conditions and Arduous Techniques The Divine Paath (practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets) does not draw any national, geographical, religious, racial, or economical condition.
Brahmrishi kumar Swami Ji (23)
It is beyond tough conditions and arduous austerities. Gurudev says that it is injustice to humanity to attach any conditions to the process of liberation from suffering. One who is suffering is already going through a hard time, the arduous technique will add to his suffering. Many astrologers and saints advise long and difficult path to come out of suffering. One gets very of such methods and finally starts running away from religion. Not only in India but all over the world, people spend large sums of money, time and energy in pursuit of solutions to their problems but all in vain. The Cosmic Sound Secrets are short and simple. You can practice them anywhere for a short period of 10-15 minutes. No difficult purifying and meditative techniques are required for Cosmic Sound  Secrets. Gurudev offers the Cosmic Sound Secrets to millions of people for free. They can be received in any of the conventions happening all over the world. More than 30 million people around the world are practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets regularly.

Cosmic Science: Essence of All Religions

What is Cosmic Science, and can everyone practice it easily? In answer to these frequently asked questions Gurudev always says that it is the essence of all religious scriptures which he is merely sharing with everyone. The Beejmantras (Cosmic Sound Secrets) are in resonance with all the scriptures such as Gita, Shree Gurgranth Sahib, Bible, and holy Qoran. This dimension is the essence of all religions and anyone can do
it, no matter what faith he belongs to. Gurudev says that if one has faith in Hinduism, he would be given the Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gita. People of Muslim faith will be given these secrets from holy Qoran. Similarly, people of Sikh or Christian faith will be given the secrets from Shree Guru Granth Sahib and the Bible respectively. Cosmic Sound Secrets: A Dimension of Grace Beyond Tough Conditions and Arduous Techniques The Divine Paath (practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets) does not draw any national, geographical, religious, racial, or economical condition.
Brahmrishi kumar Swami Ji (23)
It is beyond tough conditions and arduous austerities. Gurudev says that it is injustice to humanity to attach any conditions to the process of liberation from suffering. One who is suffering is already going through a hard time, the arduous technique will add to his suffering. Many astrologers and saints advise long and difficult path to come out of suffering. One gets very of such methods and finally starts running away from religion. Not only in India but all over the world, people spend large sums of money, time and energy in pursuit of solutions to their problems but all in vain. The Cosmic Sound Secrets are short and simple. You can practice them anywhere for a short period of 10-15 minutes. No difficult purifying and meditative techniques are required for Cosmic Sound  Secrets. Gurudev offers the Cosmic Sound Secrets to millions of people for free. They can be received in any of the conventions happening all over the world. More than 30 million people around the world are practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets regularly.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cosmic Solutions to the World Crisis

The Prabhu Kripa convention in the scenic mountainous region of Nalagarh in Himachal pradesh was another beautiful addition to the success of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Thousands gathered from all around the world to receive the grace of Cosmic Sound Secrets.

Brahmrishi kumar Swami Ji (49)

The private Secretary of the Prime Minister, Shri R. S. Negi also participated in the event beside other government officials, actors, and scientists. Addressing the convention Gurudev said, “In the near future the world is going to face tremendous problems. Seeing how the world is struggling with the fear of large scale wars and economic meltdown, one can logically conclude where we are heading to. Globally, there is so much fear that people looking for ways to come out of this mess. Prayers, invocations: people around the world are resorting to anything for the world peace.” He said, “If we do not invoke the cosmic grace, human beings will start killing each other. Countries will start fighting to each other and the whole world will be doomed.

The way ecology is being disturbed it will escalate further, causing the damage to crops. New diseases will come into existence and the whole humanity will suffer. Life will be miserable to bear.” Providing a simple solution to the world crisis Gurudev said, “The dimension of cosmic grace can save the world from this crisis. This dimension is benevolent and is capable of bringing peace to the world. And I would like to emphasize that have no means left other than this. This dimension can save the nations, can save the crops, can savethe families. We can not save the world by any meditation, yoga, or prayers. This dimension of cosmic grace can not only bring an end to all your physical, mental, and financial problems but is potent enough to establish an everlasting peace in the world.” Referring the ancient scriptures Gurudev said, “This dimension belongs to Lord Shiva, to Guru Granth sahib, to holy Qoran, to the Bible, to Jinvani, to Dhammapada. Lord Krishna had revealed this dimension to Arjuna. This dimension is not just hypothetical; it is based on scientific facts.”

Friday, June 6, 2014

Kumar Swamiji’s spiritual guidance

Over centuries, people have turned to spiritual leaders for enlightenment and guidance, and it still holds true, for such leaders still inspire fervour in their believers. People’s beliefs have been shaped by generations of various spiritual innovators.
India has witnessed a vast number of spiritual leaders and masters who have, since time immemorial, dedicated their lives to upliftment and transformation of human lives. Some have been more influential than the others. But only a handful has followers cutting across the globe.
I have been fortunate enough to meet with one such grand sage who has not only helped transform my being, but added a new zeal and a fresh lease of life.
His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji has left an indelible mark in my life. His sermons and teachings of inter-faith have instilled a deep sense of tolerance in me, together with appreciation of numerous faiths all over the world.
We are religiously tolerant when we give others the freedom to do things and believe things, even though we feel that they are wrong! To some people, this is not easy. To me it was a very difficult proposition. I felt that my religion was the only true faith, and that to oppress followers of another religion is to promote God’s will in society.
However, Kumar Swamiji’s divine intervention transformed my deep-seated views on religious fundamentalism and I have never felt more evolved and free.
A widely travelled man, Kumar Swamiji is a saint, a seer, a sage and a compassionate man of God whose mission in life is to propagate feelings of harmony and peaceful co-existence. Through his conventions in numerous countries in Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, he has spread the message of fairness, brotherhood and human welfare.
Very few enlightened saints in India and the world have been able to decipher the ancient secrets and the hidden meaning of the Beej Mantras from various scriptures but Kumar Swamiji’s wisdom and God’s grace has enabled him to decode the true meaning of it and he has shared the same with millions of his followers across the world. His Holiness is the founder of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham’, a charitable organization focused on promoting global peace through the unconventional approach of Cosmic Sound Secrets called Beej-Mantras.
While doing my research on Param Pujya Kumar Swamiji’s Life, I discovered that he has been honoured by the Government of India, State of Alberta in Canada, State of New York and State of New Jersey in USA, to name just a few. He has also served as an Advisor to the Ministries of Industry, Labour, Health and Family Planning, Government of India.
I was amazed and proud to discover that the New York State Assembly honoured His Holiness for his work on Global Peace and the Judges of the New York Supreme Court, members of the New York State Assembly and Senate and public officials from all over Nassau County gathered at the prestigious Chamber of the Nassau County Legislature on Long Island to honour His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji. It was a surreal moment to see not just Indians, but foreigners too believing in his mission.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kumar Swami Ji :Mahashaktipeeth

The shakripeeths which have been planned by param pujaya brahamrishi shree kumar swami ji in haridwar and mohri village in kurukshetra are not like ordinary shaktipeeth. these will be great institutuion comprising of latest equipments for MRI,X-Ray, Ultra sound etc. and wards for indoor patients. the patients who have exhausted all avenues of treatment but to no benefit will be treated under the supervision of param pujaya brahamrishi shree Kumar swami jee and his team.

For treatment of such patients huge pyramidical structure will be built. The patients will get natural magnetic energy through four sloping walls rising to great heights and meeting at the vertex.Such huge structures were made by Egyptian in ancient times to keep dead bodies of their emperors which did not perish for thousand of years. Such is the power of pyramids param pujaya brahamrishi shree Kumar swami jee has re discovered the power of pyramids, therefore he has planned to erect such pyramids in shaktipeeths which are currently under constructions. We the oridanary should be grateful to param pujaya brahamrishi shree kumar swami jee for filling.the great vacuum for the treatment of people who can not afford lakhs of rupees on their treatment, even can not afford medical policies, they will be treated through shaktipeeths, primarilly designed to carter to the medical policies through spiritual and magnetic powers which will be in abundance in shaktipeeths These shaktipeeths will be in pyramidical shape which will be charged by positive divine mantras. this building will have special properties to deflect any type of cosmic radiation that falls on it’s peaks the sun rises and travel downwards through it’s baseline at the bottom and as the sun rises cover all fraction of pyramid in this way deflected cosmic radiation in addition to earth magnetic field will create new powerful BIO-ENERGY The tarat kalash) will work as a antenna to absorb cosmic energy. The person sitting inside the structure will absorb these positive radiation and replace negative energy which he have accumulate throughout his life.

The pyramid will have the power to attract radiation from planets and stars, in such a way physical energy of cosmos and spiritual power of param pujaya brahamrishi shree kumar swami ji will merge. natural polarized refracted electromagnetic waves from Aurora Borealis will also enter in pyramid to improve the aura of a person, which will be proved through kilian photographs that will clearly show the difference in size and quality of aura after an invidual will be expose4d to such great powers. prabhu kripa pyramid will attract the powers through SUN,MOON and STARS. Therefore it will represent the power of divine. it will be left on invidual to test the veracity of this truth by himself and express his gratitude towards creator of universe and pyramid.The people visiting here have to stay here for 5-7 days. Almost all the modern day facilities will be available in shaktipeeth at haridwar to make his stay comfortable. the person has to sit for 15 to 30 minutes each day continuously in the pyramid. he will be medically examined on arrival and departure. AT this junction, person will know that problem which he was facing has been eradicated completely. There will be live test of divine powers and divine mantras with the modern age instruments.prabhu kripa shaktpeeth will also comprise of complete medical wing, one of it’s kind geared up with all modern day equipments and test laboratories for complete medical check up of devotees visiting the will also be rendering it’s charitable services to the needy mankind in case of emergency. the emergency rescue services by ambulance of shaktipeeth will cater to 50 kms. radius initially and may be further extended in due time.prabhu kripa shaktipeeth has also embarked ten acres of area for research and analysis of medical herbs. the research team of aryuveda will analyze the effect of aroma of herbs on visitors and will prove to world the logical side of peeth’s activities the research will be welcomed to stay there and contribute to the knowledge of all types of medical facilities.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji- Spiritual Idol

If United States is considered the “Land of Opportunity” for the simple reason that anyone can come to this country, work hard and be successful, then India is by default the “Land of Spirituality” for innumerable factors. There is a long list of Hindu Gurus who are honored across India & beyond! They are also recognized as Swami or Gurudev. They influence the lives of many Indians and are worshiped next to God!Spirituality and mystical charm that India possesses have always drawn people from all over the world to this country. As the world becomes increasingly capitalistic and materialist, the quest and need for spirituality grows to a greater extent. The traditional Indian way of life has helped in the evolution and growth of Spiritualism. And this growth has blessed India with knowledgeable and wise spiritual gurus who aid the devotee from the problems of life and have a wider view of the world.
His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji is one such internationally acclaimed spiritual power of this century. His message of interfaith harmony is simple, precise and focused on the ancient secrets. He has delivered this in simple practicable form; and its affects can be examined by the modern science. His followers popularly call him as “Gurudev” and worship him with immense love. He has extensively traveled the globe with a mission to instill the virtues of equality and brotherhood in the people belonging to different religions. Through his Conventions in several countries in Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and Middle East, he has spread the message of equality, brotherhood and human welfare among the people. His Conventions are very influential and draw people from all walks of life and different religions which include intellectuals, political leaders, film personalities, bureaucrats, medical practitioners and scientists.
Kumar Swami Ji makes people aware of the power of Cosmic Grace at his Conventions and conveys the attained cosmic wisdom. He has decoded the Ancient Traditional Science Secrets, referred as Divine Beej Mantras, which have been extracted from the scriptures of all religions. These are an offering to all, as these scientific secrets take one beyond all sorrows and sufferings. More than 500 million people around the world are practicing these Ancient Traditional Science Secrets regularly and have been benefited from them.
Having conferred with various Awards and Honors internationally, Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji has led people on divine path through his spiritual knowledge. He has also been honored by Government of India, State of Alberta in Canada, State of New York and State of New Jersey in USA, to name a few. He has served as an Ad-visor to the Ministries of Industry, Labor, Health and Family Planning, Government of India.
The spiritual quest in India is never ending and so is the need for a guru like Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji who helps the disciples tread the divine path and give more value to the positive aspects of life over the sorrows and miseries. As is said “Is the glass half-full or half-empty? This is more about the viewpoint that influences the thought process as positive or negative. Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji helps attain the state of contentment where the positivity and clear intellect overshadows all the hardships.

Brahmrishi Shri Kumar Swami ji

His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji is an internationally acclaimed spiritual power of this century. His message of interfaith harmony is simple, precise and focused on acquired the ancient secrets and has delivered them in simple practicable form; and their affects can be examined by the modern science.
“Gurudev” as His Holiness is popularly called by his followers, has extensively traveled the globe with a mission to instill the virtues of equality and brotherhood in the people belonging to different religions. Through his Conventions in several countries in Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and Middle East, he has spread the message of equality, brotherhood and human welfare His Conventions draw people from all walks of life amongst people belonging to different religions. including intellectuals,political leaders,film personalities, bureaucrats, medical practitioners and scientists.
Gurudev makes people aware of the power of Cosmic Grace at his Conventions and conveys the attained cosmic wisdom. He has decoded the Ancient Traditional Science Secrets or Beej Mantras from the scriptures of all religions and is offering them to all, as these scientific secrets take one beyond all sorrows and sufferings. More than 500 million people around the world are practicing these Ancient Traditional Science Secrets regularly and have been benefitted by them.
Gurudev has been conferred with various Awards and Honors internationally. He has been honored by Government of India, State of Alberta in Canada, State of New York and State of New Jersey in USA, to name a few. He has served as an Ad-visor to the Ministries of Industry, Labor, Health and Family Planning, Government of India.
His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji is an internationally acclaimed spiritual power of this century. His message of interfaith harmony is simple, precise and focused on acquired the ancient secrets and has delivered them in simple practicable form; and their affects can be examined by the modern science.
“Gurudev” as His Holiness is popularly called by his followers, has extensively traveled the globe with a mission to instill the virtues of equality and brotherhood in the people belonging to different religions. Through his Conventions in several countries in Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and Middle East, he has spread the message of equality, brotherhood and human welfare His Conventions draw people from all walks of life amongst people belonging to different religions. including intellectuals,political leaders,film personalities, bureaucrats, medical practitioners and scientists.
Gurudev makes people aware of the power of Cosmic Grace at his Conventions and conveys the attained cosmic wisdom. He has decoded the Ancient Traditional Science Secrets or Beej Mantras from the scriptures of all religions and is offering them to all, as these scientific secrets take one beyond all sorrows and sufferings. More than 500 million people around the world are practicing these Ancient Traditional Science Secrets regularly and have been benefitted by them.
Gurudev has been conferred with various Awards and Honors internationally. He has been honored by Government of India, State of Alberta in Canada, State of New York and State of New Jersey in USA, to name a few. He has served as an Ad-visor to the Ministries of Industry, Labor, Health and Family Planning, Government of India.