Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Brahmrishi Shri Kumar Swami ji

His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji is an internationally acclaimed spiritual power of this century. His message of interfaith harmony is simple, precise and focused on acquired the ancient secrets and has delivered them in simple practicable form; and their affects can be examined by the modern science.
“Gurudev” as His Holiness is popularly called by his followers, has extensively traveled the globe with a mission to instill the virtues of equality and brotherhood in the people belonging to different religions. Through his Conventions in several countries in Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and Middle East, he has spread the message of equality, brotherhood and human welfare His Conventions draw people from all walks of life amongst people belonging to different religions. including intellectuals,political leaders,film personalities, bureaucrats, medical practitioners and scientists.
Gurudev makes people aware of the power of Cosmic Grace at his Conventions and conveys the attained cosmic wisdom. He has decoded the Ancient Traditional Science Secrets or Beej Mantras from the scriptures of all religions and is offering them to all, as these scientific secrets take one beyond all sorrows and sufferings. More than 500 million people around the world are practicing these Ancient Traditional Science Secrets regularly and have been benefitted by them.
Gurudev has been conferred with various Awards and Honors internationally. He has been honored by Government of India, State of Alberta in Canada, State of New York and State of New Jersey in USA, to name a few. He has served as an Ad-visor to the Ministries of Industry, Labor, Health and Family Planning, Government of India.
His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji is an internationally acclaimed spiritual power of this century. His message of interfaith harmony is simple, precise and focused on acquired the ancient secrets and has delivered them in simple practicable form; and their affects can be examined by the modern science.
“Gurudev” as His Holiness is popularly called by his followers, has extensively traveled the globe with a mission to instill the virtues of equality and brotherhood in the people belonging to different religions. Through his Conventions in several countries in Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and Middle East, he has spread the message of equality, brotherhood and human welfare His Conventions draw people from all walks of life amongst people belonging to different religions. including intellectuals,political leaders,film personalities, bureaucrats, medical practitioners and scientists.
Gurudev makes people aware of the power of Cosmic Grace at his Conventions and conveys the attained cosmic wisdom. He has decoded the Ancient Traditional Science Secrets or Beej Mantras from the scriptures of all religions and is offering them to all, as these scientific secrets take one beyond all sorrows and sufferings. More than 500 million people around the world are practicing these Ancient Traditional Science Secrets regularly and have been benefitted by them.
Gurudev has been conferred with various Awards and Honors internationally. He has been honored by Government of India, State of Alberta in Canada, State of New York and State of New Jersey in USA, to name a few. He has served as an Ad-visor to the Ministries of Industry, Labor, Health and Family Planning, Government of India.

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