Friday, July 4, 2014

Cosmic Science: Essence of All Religions

What is Cosmic Science, and can everyone practice it easily? In answer to these frequently asked questions Gurudev always says that it is the essence of all religious scriptures which he is merely sharing with everyone. The Beejmantras (Cosmic Sound Secrets) are in resonance with all the scriptures such as Gita, Shree Gurgranth Sahib, Bible, and holy Qoran. This dimension is the essence of all religions and anyone can do
it, no matter what faith he belongs to. Gurudev says that if one has faith in Hinduism, he would be given the Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gita. People of Muslim faith will be given these secrets from holy Qoran. Similarly, people of Sikh or Christian faith will be given the secrets from Shree Guru Granth Sahib and the Bible respectively. Cosmic Sound Secrets: A Dimension of Grace Beyond Tough Conditions and Arduous Techniques The Divine Paath (practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets) does not draw any national, geographical, religious, racial, or economical condition.
Brahmrishi kumar Swami Ji (23)
It is beyond tough conditions and arduous austerities. Gurudev says that it is injustice to humanity to attach any conditions to the process of liberation from suffering. One who is suffering is already going through a hard time, the arduous technique will add to his suffering. Many astrologers and saints advise long and difficult path to come out of suffering. One gets very of such methods and finally starts running away from religion. Not only in India but all over the world, people spend large sums of money, time and energy in pursuit of solutions to their problems but all in vain. The Cosmic Sound Secrets are short and simple. You can practice them anywhere for a short period of 10-15 minutes. No difficult purifying and meditative techniques are required for Cosmic Sound  Secrets. Gurudev offers the Cosmic Sound Secrets to millions of people for free. They can be received in any of the conventions happening all over the world. More than 30 million people around the world are practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets regularly.

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