Friday, June 6, 2014

Kumar Swamiji’s spiritual guidance

Over centuries, people have turned to spiritual leaders for enlightenment and guidance, and it still holds true, for such leaders still inspire fervour in their believers. People’s beliefs have been shaped by generations of various spiritual innovators.
India has witnessed a vast number of spiritual leaders and masters who have, since time immemorial, dedicated their lives to upliftment and transformation of human lives. Some have been more influential than the others. But only a handful has followers cutting across the globe.
I have been fortunate enough to meet with one such grand sage who has not only helped transform my being, but added a new zeal and a fresh lease of life.
His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji has left an indelible mark in my life. His sermons and teachings of inter-faith have instilled a deep sense of tolerance in me, together with appreciation of numerous faiths all over the world.
We are religiously tolerant when we give others the freedom to do things and believe things, even though we feel that they are wrong! To some people, this is not easy. To me it was a very difficult proposition. I felt that my religion was the only true faith, and that to oppress followers of another religion is to promote God’s will in society.
However, Kumar Swamiji’s divine intervention transformed my deep-seated views on religious fundamentalism and I have never felt more evolved and free.
A widely travelled man, Kumar Swamiji is a saint, a seer, a sage and a compassionate man of God whose mission in life is to propagate feelings of harmony and peaceful co-existence. Through his conventions in numerous countries in Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, he has spread the message of fairness, brotherhood and human welfare.
Very few enlightened saints in India and the world have been able to decipher the ancient secrets and the hidden meaning of the Beej Mantras from various scriptures but Kumar Swamiji’s wisdom and God’s grace has enabled him to decode the true meaning of it and he has shared the same with millions of his followers across the world. His Holiness is the founder of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham’, a charitable organization focused on promoting global peace through the unconventional approach of Cosmic Sound Secrets called Beej-Mantras.
While doing my research on Param Pujya Kumar Swamiji’s Life, I discovered that he has been honoured by the Government of India, State of Alberta in Canada, State of New York and State of New Jersey in USA, to name just a few. He has also served as an Advisor to the Ministries of Industry, Labour, Health and Family Planning, Government of India.
I was amazed and proud to discover that the New York State Assembly honoured His Holiness for his work on Global Peace and the Judges of the New York Supreme Court, members of the New York State Assembly and Senate and public officials from all over Nassau County gathered at the prestigious Chamber of the Nassau County Legislature on Long Island to honour His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji. It was a surreal moment to see not just Indians, but foreigners too believing in his mission.

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