Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji Day in New York

Pic A - VIPs on Stage
It was witnessed for the first time in American history that a day was dedicated to a spiritual figure from India. In a unique decision by the State Senate of New York,April 29, 2011 was declared as Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji Day. Senator Jack M. Martins announced this decision along with a written Proclamation. He handed over this Proclamation to Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji during a special felicitation ceremony. Honoring Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji the Senator said, “His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami ji is working towards bringing a peaceful world free from violence, hatred and strife.

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