Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kumar Swami Ji :Mahashaktipeeth

The shakripeeths which have been planned by param pujaya brahamrishi shree kumar swami ji in haridwar and mohri village in kurukshetra are not like ordinary shaktipeeth. these will be great institutuion comprising of latest equipments for MRI,X-Ray, Ultra sound etc. and wards for indoor patients. the patients who have exhausted all avenues of treatment but to no benefit will be treated under the supervision of param pujaya brahamrishi shree Kumar swami jee and his team.

For treatment of such patients huge pyramidical structure will be built. The patients will get natural magnetic energy through four sloping walls rising to great heights and meeting at the vertex.Such huge structures were made by Egyptian in ancient times to keep dead bodies of their emperors which did not perish for thousand of years. Such is the power of pyramids param pujaya brahamrishi shree Kumar swami jee has re discovered the power of pyramids, therefore he has planned to erect such pyramids in shaktipeeths which are currently under constructions. We the oridanary should be grateful to param pujaya brahamrishi shree kumar swami jee for filling.the great vacuum for the treatment of people who can not afford lakhs of rupees on their treatment, even can not afford medical policies, they will be treated through shaktipeeths, primarilly designed to carter to the medical policies through spiritual and magnetic powers which will be in abundance in shaktipeeths These shaktipeeths will be in pyramidical shape which will be charged by positive divine mantras. this building will have special properties to deflect any type of cosmic radiation that falls on it’s peaks the sun rises and travel downwards through it’s baseline at the bottom and as the sun rises cover all fraction of pyramid in this way deflected cosmic radiation in addition to earth magnetic field will create new powerful BIO-ENERGY The tarat kalash) will work as a antenna to absorb cosmic energy. The person sitting inside the structure will absorb these positive radiation and replace negative energy which he have accumulate throughout his life.

The pyramid will have the power to attract radiation from planets and stars, in such a way physical energy of cosmos and spiritual power of param pujaya brahamrishi shree kumar swami ji will merge. natural polarized refracted electromagnetic waves from Aurora Borealis will also enter in pyramid to improve the aura of a person, which will be proved through kilian photographs that will clearly show the difference in size and quality of aura after an invidual will be expose4d to such great powers. prabhu kripa pyramid will attract the powers through SUN,MOON and STARS. Therefore it will represent the power of divine. it will be left on invidual to test the veracity of this truth by himself and express his gratitude towards creator of universe and pyramid.The people visiting here have to stay here for 5-7 days. Almost all the modern day facilities will be available in shaktipeeth at haridwar to make his stay comfortable. the person has to sit for 15 to 30 minutes each day continuously in the pyramid. he will be medically examined on arrival and departure. AT this junction, person will know that problem which he was facing has been eradicated completely. There will be live test of divine powers and divine mantras with the modern age instruments.prabhu kripa shaktpeeth will also comprise of complete medical wing, one of it’s kind geared up with all modern day equipments and test laboratories for complete medical check up of devotees visiting the will also be rendering it’s charitable services to the needy mankind in case of emergency. the emergency rescue services by ambulance of shaktipeeth will cater to 50 kms. radius initially and may be further extended in due time.prabhu kripa shaktipeeth has also embarked ten acres of area for research and analysis of medical herbs. the research team of aryuveda will analyze the effect of aroma of herbs on visitors and will prove to world the logical side of peeth’s activities the research will be welcomed to stay there and contribute to the knowledge of all types of medical facilities.

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